Nerd secret sauce

The marketing and recruiting departments at Nerdery needed a promotional item for their events. The challenge was to come up with something original, so I had the idea and teamed up with the local hot sauce company, Cry Baby Craig’s, to create our own branded sauce.

The message: What's a Nerd's secret sauce? Passion. Cry Baby Craig's creator Craig Kaiser is passionate about crafting the perfect blend of heat and flavor, we're passionate about crafting digital products and services. Whether it's pickled habanero or pushing the boundaries of technology, everyone's a nerd about something.

Scout books

I needed to create giveaway items for two tech tradeshows that competed with big tech companies handing out items that were out of my budget. So, I went back to the basics. Every project needs to be started by sketching ideas out in a notebook. I worked with field experts to make inserts to start people on a website journey. Once they were ready, they brought their books back to The Nerdery to share what they learned. The giveaway promoted The Nerdery and helped in the selling process.

Prototyping kit

I needed to create a booth giveaway item for the MobCon event. We made a mobile prototyping kit for people to start ideating their mobile innovations at the event. The kit included a swag bag promoting it at our booth.

Nerdery store

I solved a problem that we had working with external promotional vendors needing to get our sales team swag quick enough for our clients by suggesting to Nerdery that we bring our promotional swag in-house, which was quickly approved. I owned and operated the Nerdery branded store, a brick-and-mortar we created within Nerdery. I designed our online presence, nurtured vendor relationships, and determined and designed the products we should have. We had items like our own branded Rubix cubes and mini-drones.

Ramen survival kit

The ramen kit was a client holiday gift our team sent to various agencies Nerdery was working with. We knew the holiday seasons were busy for them, so we created a "survival" kit that enabled them to make a meal at their desk to help keep them going. We pulled in our culture by supplying them with extensive ramen-making knowledge that our Nerds cooked in our kitchens.

Survey promotion

Every year The Nerdery has an engagement survey. The Nerdery wants to hit a goal of 95% or more participation. We hang posters around the office, send out emails and have coasters to promote it.


Figg Marketing Toolkit


Landing pages for Pax8